Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The New Normal - Judy's the boss!

Who knew!?

On Thursday, August 18, I had to go to the "commune" in Casa, which is basically like going to a notary in the states.  GWA is working on our "carte de sejour" files, in order to get us residency visas in Morocco (we are currently here on tourist visas).  In order for Richard (and two other spouses who are not working) to be "legal" I had to sign a "prise en charge" for him, which means I take responsibility for him.  He will get his residency card through me and (more importantly) I am officially head of the household!

I have been trying to figure out a way to use the fact that Richard is now my "ward" to my advantage.  Any ideas?  :-)

Judy, Kevin, Luke

Basically a notary

Signature #1

Signature #2 - It's all so official!


  1. short and sweet.each blog opens up a ton of questions.great.

    love pap and mom.

  2. hi there- yes get him to do all the chores!! maybe he does already :)

    1. Richard does all the cooking; takes good care of me!
